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Clicks That Stick: Unfurl the Sails of Your Small Business in the Digital Seas

Are you a small business owner struggling to attract and retain customers online? Look no further, because Clicks That Stick is here to revolutionize your digital marketing game!

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“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Not-Andrew jpg

“The descriptions in the book on how to do each exercise are excellent. There are three parts to the book. The first section has information on developing your lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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What You'll Learn in this Book

A staggering 92% of modern-day explorers turn to the digital realm in search of local treasures. If you aren’t waving your flag high online, you’re practically invisible to the treasure hunters. Let's set your digital sail.

  • Carve a digital footprint as deep as your passion Establish a profound online presence that reflects the extent of your enthusiasm and commitment.
  • Navigate cyber waves with the intuition of a native, sans tech spells Maneuver through the digital landscape with the instinctive ease of a local, without relying on mysterious technological tricks.
  • ​​ Weave digital threads into a tapestry of triumph: Integrate various digital elements to create a cohesive and successful overall strategy.
  • ​​ Summon a loyal fleet of clientele with CRM wisdom: Cultivate a dedicated customer base by employing Customer Relationship Management strategies with sagacity.
  • Construct a siren’s webpage to lure the web-adrift: Design an irresistibly captivating website to attract and engage internet wanderers.
  • Spin social media yarns that bind hearts to your cause: Craft compelling narratives on social media that emotionally connect people to your mission or purpose.
  • Transmute a modest ad fund into a galleon of growth: Transform a limited advertising budget into a substantial vessel for business expansion.
  • Employ AB testing like an oracle’s divination: Utilize A/B testing methodologies with a prophetic precision to optimize outcomes.
  • ​​ Choose your crew - to outsource or not to outsource: Make strategic decisions on whether to delegate tasks externally or manage them in-house.
  • Commit to a 90-day odyssey, transforming your digital realm: Undertake a focused three-month journey dedicated to revitalizing and reshaping your online domain.
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Meet the Author

Joe Brunson

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